Monday, August 25, 2008

Millie wants something rather strange for breakfast!

This morning, Millie was walking in the pantry and looking at the canned goods and pointed to a can of black beans. She started whining too - like she wanted them now.

So I opened up a can of black beans and that's what she ate for breakfast. I guess I should be thankful - that she is not begging for cookies instead.

And Millie learned a new sign over the weekend. "Motorcycle" - I showed her a couple of times and she was doing it. She is so smart and picks it up so quickly.

And I truly realized how nice the sign language is. This weekend we were out shopping all day long and during mid-day, instead of whining or crying, she did the sign for "water." It was that simple. We didn't have to guess what she wanted or wonder why she was fussy - she could tell us. Now I just have to work on the diaper change sign so she can tell me when she needs a dry diaper.

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