Monday, November 22, 2010

Pretty in Pink

Just wanted to post a picture that was taken at Nana and Papa's house recently. Here is Millie and Doodles...Pretty in Pink!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Last night, Millie fixed dinner for everyone, all by herself. She picked out four of her bowls, four of her spoons, and four of her cups. She then pushed the chair over to the counter, climbed up and got the box of Cheerios out of the cabinet. She poured everyone a bowl of cereal. Then Mawt Maw came home and she ran to the door, saying, "Mawt Maw, are you hungry? It's time for dinner!"

So all of us sat down, she said the blessing and we all enjoyed our bowl of Cheerios together. Such a big girl.....

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My big girl

Over the weekend, we told Millie to go get dressed. And she likes to dress herself a lot of times, all by herself. Pink capri pants, a blue shirt, socks with ladybugs on them, princess sandals and a red bow! This was the results....

Happy Halloween!

I'm a Snuggle Bunny

We were trying to decide what to dress Millie up for Halloween this year. To be honest, it's not an important holiday to me and I don't really see the point in spending a lot of money on an outfit she will wear for a few hours. We toyed around with the idea of being a princess and at one point, she wanted to be Kitara from Avatar, the Last Airbender. But all of those costumes were $20-30 - definitely out of my budget and price range.

Then, I was putting her to bed one night and it dawned on me.... A Snuggle Bunny! And you might ask, what is a Snuggle Bunny? When we put Millie to bed, we read a few books, then turn on the music and lie in the bed with her for a few songs. And we call that Snugglebunnying! I mentioned it to Millie and she thought it was a great idea.

My wheels started turning about how to put this costume together. I thought about getting a bunny suit and putting a blanket around her. I was talking to Lexi about it and she suggested just putting her in a blanket sleeper and putting a pair of bunny ears on her. PERFECT! Guess what? We had all of the components for a great costume, right in her room! And it didn't cost me a dime.

She was an adorable Snuggle Bunny for sure! We went to Hallelujah Night at Rock Springs Friday night to eat corndogs and play the games to get candy. Millie wasn't too interested in standing in the lines to play a game because she had her eye on something bigger and better - inflatables! She did play a few games but decided to jump and climb up the big slide. She had a great time.

At one point, she and her friend, Abigayle, switched costumes (very typical of the two). Millie transformed into a butterfly and Abs became a bunny rabbit!

Big enough for a belt

Nana was sweet enough to sew some little belts for Millie to wear with her school uniform. Here's just a quick shot of one of her new belts. Of course, trying to keep her shirt tucked in may be a different story altogether!

We belong in the zoo!

Millie and Abs on the train

Back at the end of September, Millie went on a field trip with some of her classmates to the Atlanta Zoo. She and her best friend, Abigayle, were pretty much inseparable the entire day. They loved seeing all the different animals and petting the animals too. They both rode the train and the carousel together, then played on the playground.

Smashed beans are better

One of Millie's favorite foods is black beans. She's loved them since she was a toddler. And what's better than black beans? Smashed black beans!