Thursday, October 16, 2008

Millie is talking more and more every day

Millie has really started talking a lot more lately and doing more signs too.

Her current words (speaking) are (as of 17 mos):
Beep Beep, Car, Shoes, Milk, Dada, Mama, Mawt Maw, Mops, Pops, Papa, Nana, Please, Bath, Bus, Ball, Bella, More, Blake (the little guy that she stays with every day), Book, All Gone, (and my mind has now gone blank).

She is also identifying things in pictures and either saying or signing them. It's amazing how much her brain is soaking things/ideas up.

Right now she loves: cars, buses, motorcycles, horses, dogs, books, taking a shower, milk (what kid doesn't), beans, mostly all fruits, shoes.

Right now she dislikes: sometimes getting her diaper changed, brushing her teeth (well, she doesn't hate it but she won't do it either), having to come inside when she's not ready to.

1 comment:

Marsh 'n' Jen said...

What? You taking the week off or something? How about an update!!!!!