Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Can't give up the book just yet

I have a book for Millie that I've been keeping track of what she ate, when she peed or pooped, when she slept, etc. since she was born. It was helpful to track her progress, to keep track of interesting things she was doing, to keep track of when she took medicine. Here recently, I haven't been keeping up with it on the weekends when she is at home. So the other day, I decided that I was finished keeping a record.

I told Andrea that I would just ask her what she had done during the day and to not worry about keeping track of it. That was Monday. It's now Wednesday and I've asked Andrea to continue to use the book. I missed reading it every night. It was like a small glimpse into Millie's life during the day when I wasn't around. I could see what she ate - if she liked it or not - when she peed or pooped (these things may seem gross but for a parent, they aren't. Plus it helps to keep track of it in case there is a problem).

So, the book is still in progress. We are in our third book since her birth. It will be fun to look back later to see what she was doing...

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