Friday, March 20, 2009

The second night

Last night, instead of eating dinner at home, I packed a little sandwiches and we headed to Stoney's house to go......FISHING! Jacade had gone earlier that day with Stoney and he wanted to go with us. So we went, but Millie just wasn't interested (go figure, she is only 22 months old). But she did have fun throwing the minnows in when we were about to leave. And she was not scared or unsure at all. She dove right in (no pun intended).

So, needless to say, we got home a little late and she sat down with us and ate a bowl of Cheerios (she was still hungry) and then she got her bath. Went to sleep around 9:30 (yikes, that's late) and woke up crying around 1:45 a.m. I went in and told her to lie down and I covered her back up. Then she just kept crying and wanted the music on. Fine. I turned the music on and left. But she then started screaming and screaming. So I went back in and asked her if she wanted to go potty. She said yes and she went. And her diaper was dry. Then she went back to sleep.

Fast forward to this morning. She woke up....DRY....but didn't want to go to the potty. So she didn't. No big deal though. I went to work and Jacade got her ready for school.

We're just taking it one day at a time. No rush. But we're still proud of her!

1 comment:

Cassie Butt Beckwith said...

Oh she is so smart and sounds like a great girl. I can't wait to see her and introduce her to Sallie Rose.