Thursday, March 5, 2009

Potty time!

What is the exact age/time to start potty-training your child? I've been told by different sources, many different things. Maybe it depends on your child.
At any rate, we have been introducing Millie to the potty, since about 18 mos. old. First we used an insert on the big potty, and then we got a small potty from Aunt Barbara and she's been using that now.
She even likes to pee in it and then take the insert off and pour it in the big potty. She is quite observant.
But last night, we got home from eating out (didn't feel like cooking) and I was getting ready to give her a bath. She laid down on the floor in our bedroom, unsnapped her overalls, took off her soaked diaper, and went into her bathroom, sat on the potty, and USED IT!!! As soon as it hits the bottom, she starts smiling and gets all excited!!!
I then gave her a bath and after her bath she wanted to sit on it again. So she did, and USED IT AGAIN! Good job, Millie.
This morning, when she woke up, she tinkled again and was so proud of herself.

Maybe it's too early, maybe not. But we're just going with the flow (no pun intended!)!!!

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