Monday, March 16, 2009

Coincidental or for real?

Last week sometime, while Millie was taking a bath, she had all of her toys out. And typically when I tell her to clean them up, she will. Well, this time she wouldn't. So I told her, "Millie, it's about that time to get out of the bath. You need to clean up your toys." Nothing. And again, I told her the same thing. Nothing. The third time I asked her, "What do you want to lose?" Still, nothing. So then I told her, "Okay, you've just lost your milk for the night." (She usually gets a little milk before she goes to bed every night). She finally picked up her toys, which I told her thanks for doing. And when it was time for bed, she asked for milk, which I explained to her that she had lost it for not following directions.

Fast forward to last night....she was taking a bath again and I told her it was about time to get out. "Millie, please pick up your toys." Nothing. "Okay, Millie, what do you want to lose tonight? Your milk?" She then started picking up her toys. Ha! So was it coincidental or did she really make the connection? I hope it's the latter. And I really believe it's the latter.

1 comment:

Marsh 'n' Jen said...

That is awesome. Consider it for real. I know we do anytime Bella seems to have learned a concept like that. Cool.