Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Millie learns some more signs

Over the long weekend, Millie learned some more signs:


Mawt Maw (Debbie) kept her on Saturday so Mommy could do some work and I got some things done. Made some magnets and journals, and was able to tidy the house and do some laundry.

On Sunday, Millie and I went to church - we were there for a long time - because Mommy had to work in the walkers (in the room with Millie). Then she went to Mawt Maw's house and Jacade and I went out to eat (just the 2 of us), went bowling - I won 2 out of 3 games - and we played video games. We had a great time.

Then on Monday, Jacade fixed breakfast (Millie usually likes eggs, but she wouldn't eat any) but she did eat applesauce. And she and I did stuff around the house and she took some good naps. We went to the park and she walked around and swung in the swing and went down the slide.

We also went to Daddy's new office and Millie helped rearrange everything! She would find something on the floor, take it to Jacade and say, "Dada, dada" and start yelling his name if he wasn't immediately paying attention. We also ate pizza for dinner, including Millie. Tried to give her a mushroom but she didn't like that.

And now, it's Tuesday and back to the daily grind..... She went to Ms. Andrea's today and was eager to eat her oatmeal for breakfast.

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