Monday, March 1, 2010

Where is Jesus?

Saturday morning, Millie went with Mawt Maw to see her cousins, Sara and Will, play basketball. On their way to Jackson Mawt Maw got a little lost. She called several people but no one was answering their phones (incl. us). She and Millie had a conversation and it went something like this:

Mawt Maw: "Oh, dear. I don't know which way we are going."
Millie: "Oh my, Millie and Mawt Maw are lost. Millie Bear and Mawt Maw Bear are lost."
MM: "Let's see if we can find our way. Hopefully God will help us find our way."
M: "I pray God to find the right way."
MM: "I think we found the right way."
M: "I say a prayer for you."
MM: "Yes, you did. Thank you. We found the right way."
M: "Yea...... God is in my heart and Jesus is in my heart too!"

What a great memory. Millie and I are now working on more scriptures too. I talked with her teacher and she said that they do a lot of praying, which I have noticed Millie doing more of. It's awesome!