Thursday, February 5, 2009


I've been noticing lately that Millie is becoming more observant of her surroundings. She remembers where everyone sits at the dining room table (and even at Nana and Papa's house too).

She remembers certain parts of a book we read a lot and will do the signs relating to the book. For example, in her Fire Engine Book, we will get to the part where we actually see the flames, and she'll say and sign "hot" and then say and sign "pain." We get to the next page where the fire has been put out and the firemen are going home and there is one that has dirt on his face and she'll say and sign "bath" and "bed/tired" and "milk" b/c I've told her that he probably goes home and has some milk before he goes to bed. It's just fun seeing her practically read the book to me, so to speak.

She also is becoming very independent. I will try to help her get dressed and she'll whine and say, "Me" although we know she is just trying to say "Millie". But she wants to do it by herself. Sometimes she does get frustrated and we have to remind her to ask for help, but most of the time she is successful.

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