Monday, June 8, 2009

Millie is in the "Me Do" stage

Just about every time, Millie wants to do it herself. I know it's normal part of her development, but sometimes it is just plain frustrating. Because sometimes we are in a hurry, but Millie just has to do it!

Yesterday afternoon, she was sitting on the kitchen counter and she was helping me fix a snack. So she helped me pour the goldfish crackers out of the bag. Then we moved on to the Craisins. I opened the big bag. And she got mad. She closed the bag and then re-opened it...herself. Too funny.

She wants to climb into the bathtub herself, dress herself, wipe herself when it is diaper change time and if she could figure it out completely, she would probably change her own diaper, put the lotion on herself, open the refrigerator door.

I'm thankful, though, that she is becoming independent. It's fun and funny at the same time. This morning she even dressed herself, all by herself, after I told her that everyone else was dressed. And she can even, most times, get the shoes on the right feet.

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