Friday, July 9, 2010

Vocabulary has increased

It seems that just within the last few weeks, Millie's vocabulary has grown exponentially. You can carry on a conversation with her and actually understand everything she says. We will be driving down the road and just say big words, and then ask her to repeat them. And she will do her best.

One of her recent big words is "Veterinarian." And she says it very clear. Pretty good for a 3 yr. old.

And last weekend, I took her cousin, Caiden, who is a month older, and Millie to Leapin' Lizards (an inflatable jumping place) and as we were driving down the driveway, the car brushes against the crape myrtle branch. Caiden said, "What was that?" And I said it was a crape myrtle. And Millie asked Caiden, "Can you say crape myrtle?" Too funny. Think she's heard that a time or two?!?

Everyday is the potential for a learning experience. And we are always trying to broaden her horizon.

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