Friday, December 4, 2009

Reverse Psychology

Do you think it is wrong to use Reverse Psychology? I have been using that a little with Millie lately and it's been working. For instance, I have tried to get her to use the bathroom on several occasions and she says no. So then I said, "Let's see if you cannot use the bathroom." And she runs to the bathroom, laughing all the way, sits up there and uses it.

Or this morning when I tried to get her dressed and she resisted. I said, "Let's see if you can't put on your clothes." And she got dressed.

And the other night, she wanted to read the 12 little Christmas books she got from Mops. She pulled all the books out and after I finished reading them, didn't want to put them back in. So I said to her, "Millie, I can't remember how to put these books in the case. Can you show me how to do it?" And she did it, no problem!

1 comment:

Marsh 'n' Jen said...

Reverse psychology is an acceptable and successful strategy against toddler minds!:

"No, you can't brush your teeth."
"Oh, OK, here you go."
[brush, brush, brush]

Also effective, carrot/stick approach:
"Do you want to read more books or go to bed?"
"More books."
"Well, you can't read more books until you brush your teeth."
[sound of footie pajamas scampering to bathroom]