Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Rebecca is thankful...

that Millie is NOT afraid of the thunder and lightning. And I think it's because we read over and over, Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? In the book, it says, "Boom, Boom, Boom, Mr. Brown makes thunder. Lightning goes Splat, Splat, Splat and it's very hard to make a noise like that."

This morning when it was lightning and thundering very loud, I went into Millie's room just to check on her and she was awake and was laughing. It would thunder and she would say, "That's loud." And I told her, "Wow, looks like Mr. Brown is really busy." And she was fine.

1 comment:

Marsh 'n' Jen said...

Can I just say that the reason Bella makes it through thunderstorms is because of that book, too. The rain sounds like "dibble dibble dop!" and the thunder goes "boom boom boom" and the lightning goes "splat splat splat." And Bella remembers all of that. Hey, that rhymed!