Monday, March 7, 2011

Christmas in March

Okay, no, not really. But I have been absent with postings about Millie since right before Christmas. So now I am trying to get caught back up. It will probably take me a little while, but at least I have started.

Millie had a great Christmas. She got lots of things, like all kids. Pops made her a gorgeous baby cradle and Mops made the bedding to go in it, and it came complete with an adorable baby doll - Itty Bitty baby. And then, Aunt Lexi, Uncle Chris and Ryan gave Millie and Itty Bitty matching pajamas (it was a big hit).

She also got some clothes (what little girl doesn't need clothes) and some new boots from her parents, in addition to some art things, like an easel and art accessories.

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